Spot The Signs


Together we can help raise awareness that modern slavery and human trafficking happens on our streets.

During Anti-Slavery Week 14th-20th October 2024, Rebuild East Midlands launched its new Spot the Signs campaign to raise awareness of modern slavery. Modern slavery happens in Derby & Derbyshire communities, to UK nationals as well as those who are from other countries. It is a hidden crime and often it’s easy to overlook the signs that someone is being exploited.

Rebuild wants to support communities in raising awareness of the signs of modern slavery in people’s behaviour, appearance and habits so that anyone experiencing it can be given the right support.

Bird Marque

Spot The Signs Ambassador Membership

Businesses and organisations are encouraged to sign up for membership to become a Spot the Signs Ambassador.

Membership enables access to a Spot the Signs fact sheet and a Spot the Signs ‘badge’ which can be used across social media and communication channels to show support of the campaign and the fight against modern slavery.

Membership benefits include:

  • Downloadable Spot the Signs fact sheet
  • Use of Spot the Signs ‘badge’ on website and on social media
  • Discounted (10%) workshop on modern slavery and spotting the signs
  • Spot the Signs newsletter sent twice a year

The one-off membership fee is based on size of your business:

  • £50 for 1 to 10 employees
  • £100 for 11 to 49 employees
  • £250 for 50 to 999 employees
  • £450 for 1,000+ employees
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