Supporting Rebuild East Midlands

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Ways to Support Fundraising Events Regular Giving Corporate Fundraising

Rebuild receives no central government funding and is totally reliant on the generosity of people, organisations and grant-givers.

If you would like to help make a difference to the lives of people who are trying to rebuild their lives following exploitation, please read below for ways you can get involved.

All donations are gratefully received.

Bird Marque
Group 77

Sign up for our newsletter

Every quarter we will commit to sending out a newsletter to keep you up to date with the work of Rebuild East Midlands across Derby and Derbyshire, as well as news on what is happening across the UK to tackle Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery.

Get in touch
Group 73


From coffee mornings to skydives, there is a fundraising activity for everyone!  There are lots of organised events across the UK such as runs and Tough Mudder Challenges which you can take part in and opt to fundraise for Rebuild. Whatever you do, you will be helping someone rebuild their life free from slavery. Let us know what you're planning and we will support you all the way!

Get in touch

Awareness Sessions & Training

We offer training for your teams on several important themes, including: understanding human trafficking and modern slavery, exploring what trauma is and how it impacts people's lives, and addressing vicarious trauma while building resilience. We can also come in to talk to your community group or colleagues about our work.

Find out more
Group 79


We are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help support our work. If you have a skill that could be shared or are available for project work, we would love to hear from you. If supporting fundraising events by cheering or helping out on a stand is more your thing, please get in touch! Please also see our Volunteer as a Trustee information on the About Us page.

Get in touch

Fundraising Events

If you need some inspiration or support with your fundraising events and activities, please let us know.

Click below to see details on some upcoming fundraising events which might take your fancy!



Bird Marque

Regular Giving

Be a Rebuild Friend

A regular gift to Rebuild can help provide practical, emotional and community support that makes a real difference to survivors of modern slavery helping them recover and rebuild their lives.  You can be the helping hand that offers hope and a future free of exploitation.  Your donation helps Rebuild be here for people affected by modern slavery now, and in the future.

Show your support and become a Rebuild Friend today.

£5        Could fund a bus ticket to and from an appointment

£10      Could fund refreshments and resources for a group activity

£20      Could fund a 1-2-1 session with a support worker

£25      Could fund translator services for an average 30 min session

£50      Could fund an emergency care pack for someone who has just escaped exploitation

To sign up,  please complete the form below

Corporate Fundraising

Involve your organisation with our work

By partnering with Rebuild East Midlands, your organisation can make a positive impact on the community and give hope to survivors of modern slavery.

There are many benefits for the company too including:

  • Team building opportunities through fundraising events and volunteering
  • Positive PR around your involvement and support of a local charity
  • Demonstration of social responsibility to customers and other stakeholders

Your organisation could support Rebuild in a variety of ways dependent upon your interests, number of employees and nature of your work.  Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Employee fundraising and participation in events
  • Challenge events such as running, cycling and swimming
  • Gifts in kind donated for the individuals we support
  • Spot the Signs Ambassador
  • Customer fundraising
  • Payroll giving
  • Volunteering
  • Awareness raising of Rebuild to customers and employees
  • Training and awareness workshops

For a conversation to explore what would work best for your company, please contact

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